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Lancashire Masters Programmes and Session Times

6 April 2015 in Masters, Masters Competition Info

LM15 Prog-Session 1

LM15 Prog-Session 2


Lancashire County Top Club Points 2015

26 March 2015 in Swimming, Swimming Results

Lancashire County WPSA Age Groups and Championships 2015 Top Club Points

Age Groups Championships
1 City of Salford 1044 1 City of Salford 440
2 Southport 830 2 Swim Trafford 206
3 Preston 486 3 City ofManch Aqua 193
4 Swim Trafford 458 4 Preston 189
5= Leyland 438 5 Pioneer 79 185
5= Wigan Best 438 6 Crosby 148
7 Pioneer 79 377 7 Southport 138
8 Crosby 331 8 Wigan Best 129
9 Blackpool Aquatics 275 9 Blackpool Aquatics 96
10 City ofManch Aqua 246 10 Bolton Metro 82
11 Burnley Aquatics 215 11 Everton 75
12 Everton 166 12 Burnley Aquatics 58
13 Aquabears 123 13 Prescot 57
14 Carnforth 117 14 Carnforth 55
15 Oldham 97 15 Blackburn 44
16 Isle of Man 95 16 Isle of Man 34
17 Prescot 87 17 Bootle 26
18 Horwich 74 18 Leyland 20
19 Ormskirk 66 19 Oldham 19
20 Bolton Metro 64 20 Garston 15
21= City of Liverpoool 57 21 Aquabears 7
21= Fleetwood 57 22= Bolton S C 5
23 Chorley 49 22= Liverpool Penguin 5
24 Bootle 47 24 Colne 4
25 Garston 41 25 Fleetwood 2
26 Blackburn 40
27 Liverpool Penguin 37
28 Ashton Central 32
29= Colne 29
29= Flixton 29
31 Clitheroe 27
32 Lancaster 22
33 Bolton S C 21
34 Kirkham 18
35 Tyldesley 15
36 Bury & Elton 13
37 St Helens 2

Lancashire County Championships 2015 RESULTS

20 March 2015 in Swimming, Swimming Results

Click Here for Live results for 

Lancashire County Championships 2015


Club Development Fund – Closing Date

13 March 2015 in Funding

Just a quick reminder that the closing date for applications for the first round of funding from the Lancashire County Club Development Fund is 31st March 2015.

Full details and an application form can be found in the earlier post below.


Lancashire County Swimming Championships

13 February 2015 in Uncategorized

Warm Up Schedule Liverpool

Warm Up Wk1

Important Notice for Spectators 

We would ask spectators to read the following notice concerning the facilities at Liverpool and Manchester

Spectator Notice County Champs

The draft programmes for each session are published below, together with the estimated session times

This year was always going to be something of an experiment, having dropped almost 2 age groups and moved the age date to 31 December.

As you will see the sessions are going to be busy, but still compliant with licensing guidelines.  We felt it unfair to consider rejecting swimmers to reduce the sessions, as this is a year of transition. Manchester is also possibly more popular,  as it falls within the British Champs/Nationals qualifying window.  This will not happen next year as the County Champs move to January/February.

We will of course, with the assistance of the technical officials, endeavour to keep the competiton flowing. Your patience and understanding would be appreciated.

Once the competiton has finished the swimming committee will undertake a full review of events, times etc in readiness for 2016.


Lancs 2015 Session times



County Launches New Club Development Grant Fund

19 January 2015 in Funding

Clubs affiliated to Lancashire County WP&SA now have the opportunity to apply for funding of up to £3,000 to assist with club development.

Applications will be considered for any aquatic discipline, including Swimming, Diving, Synchronised Swimming & Water Polo.

The closing date for applications is 31st March 2015.

Applications must be made by e-mail,  as detailed in the attached documents, postal applications will not be admitted.

Lancashire WPSA Funding Invitation Jan 2015

LWPSA Grant application form