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Revised Programme of Events and Consideration Times

27 November 2019 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info

Day 1 – Saturday 11th January – Manchester Aquatics Centre
Day 2 – Sunday 12th January – Manchester Aquatics Centre
Day 3 – Saturday 25th January – Manchester Aquatics Centre
Day 4 – Sunday 26th January – Manchester Aquatics Centre
Day 5 – Saturday 8th February – Manchester Aquatics Centre
Day 6 – Sunday 9th February – Manchester Aquatics Centre

Lancashire Age Groups and Championships 2020

8 September 2019 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info

Day 1 – Saturday 25th January – Manchester Aquatics Centre
Day 2 – Sunday 26th January – Manchester Aquatics Centre
Day 3 – Saturday 1st February – Liverpool Aquatics Centre
Day 4 – Sunday 2nd February – Liverpool Aquatics Centre
Day 5 – Saturday 8th February – Manchester Aquatics Centre
Day 6 – Sunday 9th February – Manchester Aquatics Centre

2019 Age Group and Championship Points

10 February 2019 in Swimming, Swimming Results

Age Group Scoring

1Co Manchester937
3Co Salford775
4Wigan BEST708
5Bolton Metro550.5
7Co Liverpool308.5
8Blackpool Aq297.5
14Oldham Aq140
15Pioneer 79128.5
20Io man72
27Liverpool Penguin31
31Bury Elton5
35Ashton – Under – Lyne1

Championship Scoring

1Co Manchester135
2Co Salford47
4Co Liverpool31
8Wigan BEST15
9Pioneer 7914
11Oldham Aq12
14Io man8
15Blackpool Aq5
16Bury Elton3
17Bolton Metro3

2019 Results, Streams and Merchandise

9 February 2019 in Swimming, Swimming Results

As we head into the last weekend of the Age Group and Championships, don’t forget you can view all the results and watch all the previous sessions using the links below.

Results Link –

YouTube Playlist with all the streamed sessions.

Subscribe to us on YouTube to get alerts and updates of when we go live.

If you can’t make it down the Manchester this weekend to pick up some kit it is your last chance to get any final orders in online, pre-orders stop this weekend and once it is gone its gone.

Don’t forget to tweet us @SwimLancashire with the hashtag #LancsChamps2019

*only sessions at Manchester are streamed to YouTube.

2019 Warm Up Schedule Weekend 3 Manchester

6 February 2019 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info

Warm Up Schedule Weekend 3 Manchester

 Session 9 Saturday Morning 9th February

Warm Up         8:30 am to 8:45 am     Girls     13/Under

                        8:45 am to 9:00 am    Girls     14/Over

                        9:00 am to 9:15 am    Boys     14/Under

                        9:15 am to 9:30 am    Boys     15/Over

Session start as soon after 9:30 am as possible, estimated finish of 12:10 pm.

Session 10 Saturday Afternoon 9th February

Warm Up         1:15 pm to 1:30 pm    Boys     14/Under

                        1:30 pm to 1:45 pm    Boys     15/Over

                        1:45 pm to 2:00 pm    Girls     13/Under

                        2:00 pm to 2:15 pm    Girls     14/Over

Session start as soon after 2:15 pm as possible, estimated finish of 4:50 pm.

Session 11 Sunday Morning 10th February

Warm Up         8:30 am to 8:45 am     Boys 14/Under

                        8:45 am to 9:00 am    Boys 15/Over

                        9:00 am to 9:15 am    Girls 13/Under

                        9:15 am to 9:30 am    Girls 14/Over

Session start as soon after 9:30 am as possible, estimated finish of 12:20 pm.

Session 12 Sunday Afternoon 10th February

Warm Up         1:15 pm to 1:30 pm    Girls 13/Under

                        1:30 pm to 1:45 pm    Girls 14/Over

                        1:45 pm to 2:00 pm    Boys 14/Under

                        2:00 pm to 2:15 pm    Boys 15/Over

Session start as soon after 2:15 pm as possible, estimated finish of 5:00 pm.

Please note the diving pit will be available for warm up/swim down all weekend.

2019 Warm Up Schedule Weekend 2 Liverpool

31 January 2019 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info

Warm Up Schedule Weekend 2 Liverpool

Session 5 Saturday Morning 2nd February

Warm Up        8:30 am to 9:00 am Girls 800 Freestyle

                        9:00 am to 9:15 am Boys 10/14 200m Breaststroke

                        9:15 am to 9:30 am Boys 15/Over 200m Breaststroke       

Session start as soon after 9:30 am as possible Est finish 11:40 am

Session 6 Saturday Afternoon 2nd February

Warm Up        12:15 pm to 12:30 pm Girls 10/13

                        12:30 pm to 12:45 pm Girls 14/Over

                        12:45 pm to 1:00 pm Boys 10/14

                        1:00 pm to 1:15 pm Boys 15/Over

Session Start as soon after 1:15 pm as possible, Estimated finish of 4.20 pm.

Session 7 Sunday Morning 3rd February

Warm Up       8:30 am to 9:00 am Boys 1500m Freestyle

                        9:00 am to 9:15 am Girls 10/14 200m Breaststroke

                        9:15 am to 9:30 am Girls 15/Over 200m Breaststroke

Session start as soon after 9:30 am as possible Est Finish 12:50 am.

Session 8 Sunday Afternoon 3rd February

Warm Up       1:45 pm to 2:00 pm Boys 11/14

                        2:00 pm to 2:15 pm Boys 15/Over

                        2:15 pm to 2:30 pm Girls 10/14

                        2:30 pm to 2:45 pm Girls 15/Over

Session Start as soon after 2:45 pm as possible, Estimated Finish of 5:15 pm


2019 Age Group & Championship Live Results and Live Streams

26 January 2019 in Swimming, Swimming Results

Keep up with all the action as it unfolds with our live results and live streams.

We are once again streaming the event LIVE on YouTube, so even if you can’t make it to the pool you can watch all the action from the Manchester Aquatics Centre from where ever you are in the world.

Don’t forget to tweet us @SwimLancashire with the hashtag #LancsChamps2019

*only sessions at Manchester are streamed to YouTube.

2019 Warm Up Schedule Weekend 1 Manchester

22 January 2019 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info

Warm Up Schedule Weekend 1 Manchester

 Session 1 Saturday Morning   26 January

Warm Up         8.15 am to 8.30 am     Girls     14/Under

                        8.30 am to 8.45 am    Girls     15/Over

                        8.45 am to 9.00 am    Boys     14/Under

                        9.00 am to 9.15 am    Boys     15/Over

Session start as soon after 9.15 am as possible.

Session 2 Saturday Afternoon 26 January

Warm Up         1.30 pm to 1.45 pm    Girls     14/Under

                        1.45 pm to 2.00 pm    Girls     15/Over

                        2.00 pm to 2.15 pm    Boys     14/Under

                        2.15 pm to 2.30 pm    Boys     15/Over

Session start as soon after 2.30 pm as possible

Session 3 Sunday Morning   27 January

Warm Up         8.15 am to 8.30 am     Boys 14/Under

                        8.30 am to 8.45 am    Boys 15/Over

                        8.45 am to 9.00 am    Girls 14/Under

                        9.00 am to 9.15 am    Girls 15/Over

Session start as soon after 9.15 am as possible.

Session 4 Sunday Afternoon 27 January

Warm Up         1.15 pm to 1.30 pm    Boys 14/Under

                        1.30 pm to 1.45 pm    Boys 15/Over

                        1.45 pm to 2.00 pm    Girls 14/Under

                        2.00 pm to 2.15 pm    Girls 15/Over

Session start as soon after 2.15  pm as possible

Please note the diving pit will be available for warm up/swim down all weekend.


2019 Championship Volunteers

21 January 2019 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info

The Age Groups and Championships will be held at Manchester Aquatic Centre on 26th/27th January 2019, Wavertree Aquatic Centre Liverpool on 2nd/3rd February 2019 and Manchester Aquatic Centre on 9th/10th February 2019.

Without the help of dedicated volunteers we would struggle to hold the competition. If you are available for a single session or whole weekend we would love to hear from you.

Please email

We desperate for Athlete Marshalls, Announcers & Commentators in particular but we have gaps in all roles so please email with your preferred role and availability.

2019 Championship Merchandise

21 January 2019 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info

Mailsports once again will be at the Lancashire County Championship and in addition the the 2 Manchester Meets, 26-27 February and 9-10 March, we will also be in attendance at Liverpool 2-3 March.

You can pre-order the kit on the link below.