2023 Age Group and Championships Weekend 3

8 February 2023 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info

After a two weekends of racing we move onto the final weekend, please find all the information below, the programme for the weekend 3 can be found attached below.

Saturday 11th February – Sessions 9 & 10

Entry to Pool: 8:30am
Warm up 1 Female: 9:00am
Warm up 2 Male: 9:30am
Start: 10:00am
Comp Est Finish: 12:30pm
Warm up 1 Male: 1:15pm
Warm up 2 Female: 1:45pm
Comp Start: 2:15pm
Est Finish 5:00pm

Sunday 12th February – Sessions 11 & 12

Entry to Pool: 8:30am
Warm up 1 Male: 9:00am
Warm up 2 Female: 9:30 am
Start: 10:00am
Comp Est Finish: 1:00pm
Warm up 1 Female: 1:45pm
Warm up 2 Male: 2:15pm
Start: 2:45pm
Comp Est Finish: 4:50pm

Poolside entry is from 8:30am please do not arrived before this time as you will asked to wait outside.

We also looking for volunteers to help run the competition if are available to help please email info@swimlancashire.org.uk

Tickets have been initially limited to one ticket, per session, per swimmer, this will increase day by day to allow all the tickets to be sold. Please make sure you select all the session you need in your transaction, payment is taking using PayPal. All spectator must have valid ticket for the session including children, swimmer are not permitted on the balcony, please arrange to meet them in the foyer.

Once your ticket has been generated please ensure you save a copy of it, as it will be need to gain entry.

Swimmers are matched using Surname (last name) and DOB in the format dd/MM/yyyy, this should match the information used to enter the competition. If you are unable to match your swimmer please check you entry and contact your club to ensure the correct information has been submitted.

Spectator Entry is from 8:30am please do not arrived before this time as you will asked to wait outside.

If you have any issues please email info@swimlancashire.org.uk

2023 Age Group and Championships Weekend 2

1 February 2023 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info

After a great first weekend of racing we move onto weekend two, please find all the information below, the programme for the weekend 2 can be found attached below.

Saturday 4th February – Sessions 5 & 6

Entry to Pool: 8:30am
Warm up 1 Female: 9:00am
Warm up 2 Male: 9:30am
Start: 10:00am
Comp Est Finish: 1:00pm
Warm up 1 Female: 1:45pm
Warm up 2 Male: 2:15pm
Comp Start: 2:45pm
Est Finish 5:45pm

Sunday 5th February – Sessions 7 & 8

Entry to Pool: 8:30am
Warm up 1 Male: 9:00am
Warm up 2 Female: 9:30 am
Start: 10:00am
Comp Est Finish: 12:35pm
Warm up 1 Male: 1:20pm
Warm up 2 Female: 1:50pm
Start: 2:20pm
Comp Est Finish: 5:45pm

Poolside entry is from 8:30am please do not arrived before this time as you will asked to wait outside.

We also looking for volunteers to help run the competition if are available to help please email info@swimlancashire.org.uk

We apologise that our PayPal account has placed on hold and delayed our ticket sales.

Tickets have been initially limited to one ticket, per session, per swimmer, this will increase day by day to allow all the tickets to be sold. Please make sure you select all the session you need in your transaction, payment is taking using PayPal. All spectator must have valid ticket for the session including children, swimmer are not permitted on the balcony, please arrange to meet them in the foyer.

Once your ticket has been generated please ensure you save a copy of it, as it will be need to gain entry.

Swimmers are matched using Surname (last name) and DOB in the format dd/MM/yyyy, this should match the information used to enter the competition. If you are unable to match your swimmer please check you entry and contact your club to ensure the correct information has been submitted.

Spectator Entry is from 8:30am please do not arrived before this time as you will asked to wait outside.

If you have any issues please email info@swimlancashire.org.uk

2023 Age Group and Championships Weekend 1 Spectator Tickets

25 January 2023 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info

Please use the button or link below to buy spectator tickets for the first weekend.

These have been initially limited to one ticket, per session, per swimmer, this will increase day by day to allow all the tickets to be sold. Please make sure you select all the session you need in your transaction, payment is taking using PayPal.

Once your ticket has been generated please ensure you save a copy of it.

Swimmers are matched using Surname (last name) and DOB in the format dd/MM/yyyy, this should match the information used to enter the competition. If you are unable to match your swimmer please check you entry and contact your club to ensure the correct information as been submitted.

If you have any issues please email info@swimlancashire.org.uk

Tickets will be available for subsequent weekends from the Wednesday prior to the weekend.

2023 Age Group and Championships Session Times and Warm Up Schedule Weekend 1

24 January 2023 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info

Saturday 28th January

Entry to Pool: 8:30am
Warm up 1 Female: 9:00am
Warm up 2 Male: 9:30am
Start: 10:00am
Comp Est Finish: 1:30pm
Warm up 1 Female: 2:15pm
Warm up 2 Male: 2:45pm
Comp Start: 3:15pm
Est Finish 5:15pm

Sunday 29th January

Entry to Pool: 8:30am
Warm up 1 Male: 9:00am
Warm up 2 Female: 9:30 am
Start: 10:00am
Comp Est Finish: 12:30am
Warm up 1 Male: 1:15pm
Warm up 2 Female: 1:45pm
Start: 2:15pm
Comp Est Finish: 4:15pm

We also looking for volunteers to help run the competition if are available to help please email info@swimlancashire.org.uk

2023 Age Group and Championships Accepted Entries

23 January 2023 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info

Please find below the accepted entries for the 2023 Age Group and Championships, also below is the draft programme for the first weekend.

We are currently very short on officials if are available to help please get in touch .

Due to limited spectator space tickets will go live on Wednesday morning at 7am initially limited to one ticket per swimmer, this will increase on a day by day to fill the spectator area.

2023 Lancashire Merchandise

14 January 2023 in Swimming

We have once again teamed up with Mailsports to bring you this years Merchandise.

  • Lancashire County Swimming Championship 2023 Hat
  • Lancashire County Swimming Championship 2023 Hoodie

These are for pre order only with cut off for orders ready for the first weekend being  21/01/2023.

Orders will be posted  from 25/01/2023, you will not be able to collect the from the event.


We are working with Mailsports and Liverpool Council and are looking to provide a swim shop during the final weekend of the championships.

2023 Age Group and Championships Entry and Conditions

3 January 2023 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info

Please find below the conditions and the Sport Systems entry file to be used by clubs.

All entry files must be emailed to events@swimlancashire.org.uk by the closing date of 18th January 2023.

Spectators will be allowed this year, however they will be limited by tickets. This system and the restrictions will be released shortly after the closing date.

2022 Lancashire County Water Polo & Swimming Association AGM

23 October 2022 in Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of Lancashire County Water Polo & Swimming Association will be held on Saturday 3 December 2022 10:15 am for a 10:30 am start, at

Holiday Inn Express – Leigh Sports Village, Sale Way, Leigh, WN7 4JY

Delegates from associated clubs are invited to attend.

Attached below is a nomination form for the Election of Officers for the positions listed.

All nominations and CV’s to be sent to the Hon. Secretary no later than Tuesday 15 November.

Positions For Nominations:

  • Vice Presidents
  • Hon. Secretary
  • Hon Treasurer
  • Hon. Swimming Committee Secretary
  • Executive Committee

A copy of this has been emailed to each club, if your club didn’t received this, as the contact details of your club have changed please contact the Honorary Secretary to request a change form in order that ours records can be updated.

2022 Inter-County Masters

12 October 2022 in Masters, Masters Competition Info

Calling all masters swimmers.  The annual Inter-County Masters gala is taking place on Sunday 13 November at Huddersfield Leisure Centre 1pm start/warm up and finishing around 4pm.

Events are all 50m with freestyle and medley relays across the following age bands 18+, 25+, 35+, 45+, 55+, 65+, 75+

If anyone wishes to be considered for selection for Lancashire and is available please can they contact Helen Whittle (hew1809@gmail.com) with their name, age groups and times for the events so a team can be selected.

Please encourage swimmers to pass around their networks.

Confirmation with regards to sending a team will be made the weekend before, once numbers are known.  

Many thanks


2023 Age Group and Championships Consideration Times and Programme

5 October 2022 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info